Let’s explore what massage for health and fitness is all about.

A massage a day keeps the doctor away

A massage a day keeps the doctor away


Let’s start by defining this thing called massage and see what it really means and how you can use it to improve your health, fitness, and happiness.


What is massage?

There are many types of massage: sports massage, Thai massage, hot stone massage, etc. While all these passive forms of assisted massage are wonderful in their own way, they are not what this website is about.

In our experience, the best form of massage—and what we focus on here at Self-Massage for Health & Fitness—is something far more active and powerful.

Self-massage is meditation for the body

Self-massage is meditation for the body

Woman sleeping in her bed
table full of healthy fruits and vegetables
Self-massage: a human tradition since before there were humans

Self-massage: a human tradition since before there were humans

Woman leaping over pond

Here’s our definition

Massage is human touch. It’s a fundamental form of healthcare. We humans have been using it to heal our sore muscles and strengthen our immune systems for millions of years. For almost all those years, it’s been a daily practice for us. In fact, touch is one of the four pillars of real healthcare. The other three are food, activity, and sleep. The right combination of all four produce fabulous health.

At this website, we show you how to build a daily massage practice using your own hands, some tools, and a few ideas. This practice takes advantage of modern massage techniques. But at its core, we rely on a tradition of touch that will get you healthier and fitter faster than what you’ll get at even the most expensive spa. 

At Self Massage for Health & Fitness, we’ve taken this form of primal massage and married it to the best techniques from modern massage therapy. 

Woman self-massage of calf muscles

Let’s get started by trying

the seven basic massage strokes