What will a daily massage do for me?

A daily massage will do a lot more than create a healthy habit. Committing to a daily dose of real healthcare turns your hands loose to experiment and learn the fundamentals of massage at their own pace. So when you need the benefits your fingers will know exactly what to do. A daily massage will give you an opportunity to learn the strokes and the technique. As a form of self exploration, massage will teach you about your body in a way nothing else will.

Through daily practice you will learn to relieve pain, enhance mood, and improve health. Every day massage will put a modicum of self-confidence back where it belongs in the magic of your fingertips. Within 2 weeks, you will notice a difference in how you feel and a written record, as described here, will serve as evidence. By week six you’ll be awed and addicted by the power of your own hands.

What have you got to lose? Poor health? Bad mood? Muscle pain and soreness? The aches and pains of modern life?