How do I know if I’m doing it right?

If your massage is effective you’re doing it right. Here’s how to tell if your massage is effective for pain, mood, and health:

Pain Relief

You’re doing it right if it relieves your pain, especially muscle pain and soreness. The best way to determine that is by noting how you feel before and after your massage using a 1 to 10 scale. If you feel better after it than before it you’re doing it right.

Enhanced Mood

Consider your massage effective if it improves your mood. Use the 1 to 10 scale before and after your massage. If you feel better after your massage than before it you’ve got it.

Improved Health

Your massage is successful if you get healthier over time. You’ll need a daily massage of at least 5-minutes a day. To do that, you might start a health journal. Once a week, say every Saturday morning, which is when I do it, write a brief description of your health. It’s either excellent or the reasons that it’s not. If you’re healthier after a year than you were before you began your daily massage you’re doing it right.