Self-Massage for Athletes


It begins with your hands. Maybe you want to relieve the aches and pains in your neck, your knees, or your feet.

Maybe you want to improve your health and fitness. Or maybe you just want to change the way you feel.

Whatever it is, the way you use your hands can make all the difference.


Active Cities

“Poley makes learning self-massage simple and exciting.” 


Sea Paddler

“Since I have had my copy of Rich’s book I have started to use the techniques on a regular basis and have started to feel a difference already.” 


Body and Brain Magazine

“While massage professionals may flick a wrist at its simplicity, Self-Massage for Athletes informs and entertains, making massage accessible to everyone–even if it is self-administered.”


Bicycle Quarterly

“Poley shows in clear, well-illustrated steps how different massage strokes work, and gives instructions on how to do your own massage. I found the instructions easy to follow.”

Marathon & Beyond

“This is a tried-and-true, very simple way to take steps to avoid injuries from overuse. It’s so simple even a marathoner can do it.”

“Bottom Line: Advice is only good advice if it’s put to use. Rich Poley turns complicated subjects into advice anyone can put to use.”




“Rich Poley’s book, Self-Massage for Athletes, offers quick and easy how-to’s for working out the knots. . . Other benefits of self-massage: on demand service at an unbeatable price.”


Running Times

“Poley provides scientific background for massage and clear instructions on seven basic massage strokes and how to apply them to every part of the body.”

“One more benefit: while the techniques are described for self-massage, learning them helps tremendously in massaging others as well.”